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Better Together

Our minds are home to a lot of tangled thoughts, which become more and more dense the longer they remain there. It is only through healthy communication, support, sense of belonging and providing a safe space can these be untangled and the mind be freed of its demons.  Looking at the big picture, and society as a whole, the socitey has various fragments tangling within itself. These tangles often lead to a suffocating atmosphere, darkness, lost sense of self and a bleak future. No matter how different we are all from each other, in no matter what aspect, it is only through the unison of its people can the society sort itself out and move straight ahead beyond its limits.  We are a diverse society, with considerable amount of conflicts, both internal and external. Internal conflicts - within our hearts and minds leading to mental health issues; External conflicts - outside ourselves, but within the society which form the environment we find ourselves in.  We can only be bett
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When The World Collectively Pushed Pause

March 2020. No one knew what was happening, or what was going to happen. Schools, offices, markets, cafes, banks, and even grocery stores closed. Suddenly, we all were “trapped” in our homes. Surprisingly, as my personal experience went, we started bonding and found ways to enjoy inside the four walls of our home during those lock down days. We found whatever grocery was available and found inspiration to bake, paint and what not. We thought it’s just a matter of a fortnight, and it will pass as one funny incident in our lives. Things didn't go as imagined and I will not go into the details of it, but our world, as we knew it then, turned around and never came back to where it was.  Anxiety and depression work hand in hand for me and often have me wishing that everything goes still for sometime, so that I can process what’s happening around me and inside me. Everything and everyone around us had been moving so fast - degrees being earned, jobs being changed, cities being changed, p

"Alone is what I have. Alone is what protects me"

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Feelings, Relationships & Broken Beliefs

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The Yin & The Yang of Emotions

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“Why do I and everyone I love pick people who treat us like we're nothing?” “We accept the love we think we deserve.” The Perks of Being A Wallflower A lot has been said about love in movies, novels, personal experiences and even mythology. But, do we know what love actually is? Is it a subconscious, involuntary attraction to someone, inexplicable, purely from the soul? Or is it just a chemical reaction as Sherlock says “Sentiment is a chemical defect…....your pulse: elevated; your pupils: dilated. I imagine John Watson thinks love's a mystery to me, but the chemistry is incredibly simple and very destructive.” Whatever love is, it surely is the strongest feeling and something all humans strive for in all its forms - love of parents, love of friends, love of a special someone, love of self. We all want to take some of it and give back some of it. One of the translations I recently learnt in my Spanish lesson was “Es importante poder amar: It’s important to be able to love.” If