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Showing posts from February, 2022

Better Together

Our minds are home to a lot of tangled thoughts, which become more and more dense the longer they remain there. It is only through healthy communication, support, sense of belonging and providing a safe space can these be untangled and the mind be freed of its demons.  Looking at the big picture, and society as a whole, the socitey has various fragments tangling within itself. These tangles often lead to a suffocating atmosphere, darkness, lost sense of self and a bleak future. No matter how different we are all from each other, in no matter what aspect, it is only through the unison of its people can the society sort itself out and move straight ahead beyond its limits.  We are a diverse society, with considerable amount of conflicts, both internal and external. Internal conflicts - within our hearts and minds leading to mental health issues; External conflicts - outside ourselves, but within the society which form the environment we find ourselves in.  We can only be bett