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Showing posts from February, 2021

Feelings, Relationships & Broken Beliefs

(Illustrated using original artwork by the author, Sonal Goel) Feelings. This word has started to sound like a taboo. Since when is it wrong to feel things? People say “ignore it”, “don’t think about it”, “don’t take it seriously”, “don’t be hurt”, Just. Don’t. Indifference is the new swag and “it’s cool” is the new language of indifference. Now we know what Linkin Park meant when they said: “I've become so numb I can't feel you there” We have reached the point where we prefer a state of numbness. Numbness is okay and even feels great. But, what happens when the effect wears off? The Feelings Flood. All that the dam of “numbness” was holding back comes rushing in. Suddenly, you start to feel everything at once. Guilt, shame, anger, irritation, hopelessness, helplessness and the worst one for me - OVERTHINKING. Personally, it’s a paradox - I was fine just two days ago and now it is all back? The moment it floods people who had settled in your life flee for their lives. Noone wan