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Showing posts from January, 2021

The Yin & The Yang of Emotions

Emotion is probably the most difficult thing to understand, and yet, ironically it is mostly taken for granted. According to mythology, there are two main emotions - sorrow and joy . Greeks often used the two emotions heavily in their plays and that is how the two masks came to be used as the symbol of theatre, representing tragedy and comedy . Why this symbol comprises masks, leaves a very deep realisation for us to retrospect - are we often acting and hiding our true emotions? First thing I would like to consider is whether these emotions are mutually exclusive or codependent. I believe it’s the latter. Human emotion is complex, overlapping and ever-present. We are all familiar with the chinese concept of Yin & Yang . The symbol basically represents balance between light and darkness. It emphasises how the light consists of some darkness and darkness consists of some light. Why can’t the same be true for joy and sorrow?   In my illustration shown at the top of this article, I hav


THE DISAPPOINTED OPTIMIST/ THE SURPRISED PESSIMIST I had been sitting on this title for almost a month and just could not find the will or the context to start this article. On some days I laze around, completely forgetting about me trying to be a writer. On other days I open my laptop and stare at this screen for two full minutes and then shut it down because no words come out. Procrastinating? Maybe. But they say you can’t force things. So, today, as I was lazing around, procrastinating and watching more of Grey’s Anatomy, it hit me.  (Well, I do have Shonda Rhimes to thank for a lot of things in life. And also Meredith Grey, for being the dark + twisty character she was) *SPOILER AHEAD* So, Alex Karev, was one of the most well-developed characters in this series, and a total sweetheart because he never gave up on his love despite brain tumors, dark pasts, traumas and mental illnesses. He always wanted to be a better person to be able to be there for the one he loves, be it his wife