Emotion is probably the most difficult thing to understand, and yet, ironically it is mostly taken for granted. According to mythology, there are two main emotions - sorrow and joy . Greeks often used the two emotions heavily in their plays and that is how the two masks came to be used as the symbol of theatre, representing tragedy and comedy . Why this symbol comprises masks, leaves a very deep realisation for us to retrospect - are we often acting and hiding our true emotions? First thing I would like to consider is whether these emotions are mutually exclusive or codependent. I believe it’s the latter. Human emotion is complex, overlapping and ever-present. We are all familiar with the chinese concept of Yin & Yang . The symbol basically represents balance between light and darkness. It emphasises how the light consists of some darkness and darkness consists of some light. Why can’t the same be true for joy and sorrow? In my illustration shown at the top of this artic...
Madmatics = Madness + Mathematics. The theory of taking impulsive life decisions even after thoroughly (read: overly) weighing the pros and cons of every situation. The life of an intellectual girl messed up in the tangles of her own thoughts.